The Institution’s Innovation Council of AL Ameen College in association with IEDC organised full two-day workshop on “Business Model Canvas” on 23/08/2022 and 24/08/2022 at the college seminar hall. Around 79 students and 10 Faculty members participated in the workshop. Dr.Kala N, President IIC welcomed the participants followed by the presidential address of Dr Cini Kurian, Principial Al Ameen College.

Our Resource person of the day was Dr Ajay Basil Varghese, Assistant Professor, ASIET. The workshop commenced with idea pitching. There were 16 student groups having innovative 16 ideas. They were asked to present the idea in PowerPoint presentations. Then they were asked to prepare a strategic business plan. Then this was presented in a canvas using sketch pen and chart paper. This in fact is a visual chart with elements describing a firm’s or product’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances, assisting businesses to align their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs, key partners and key strategies.

It also explains the very stage from ideation to customer’s access to product. This Business Model Canvas includes 9 building blocks stating conceptualization of product or service. That is customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure, Salaries, marketing, payment processing, and administration and operations etc. The workshop was truly informative and it garnered the much-expected enthusiasm among students to continue the innovative and entrepreneurial activities in the campus. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ashina Z, the IIC Convenor.