Research Journal

The research journal provides a platform for the students and faculty members of the institution to share and publish their innovative research ideas and achievements. Journal is dedicated to publish high quality research papers providing meaningful insights into any subject area of current interest. All editorial and administrative correspondence for publication should be addressed to the Chief Editor, Al-Ameen Annuals, Al-Ameen College, Edathala. All Research Papers/Articles received will immediately be put before the Editorial Committee for initial review. The Editors reserve the right to reject/ return to the author(s) any manuscript that in their opinion is not suitable for publication

Al-Ameen Annuals

Chief Editor : Dr.Cini Kurian, Principal

Editor : Ms. Fathima Parvin, Assistant Professor, Dept.of Mathematics

Call for Papers

Al-Ameen Annual (ISSN: 2581-7078) is a peer reviewed Multidisciplinary research journal publishing research articles in all areas of knowledge.

Submission Procedure :-

A softcopy of the manuscript should be submitted in MS Word format via e-mail to [email protected]

Manuscript Format

The structure of the manuscript(s) should be as follows;

  1. Title of the paper
  2. Name of Author(s) and affiliations (with author(s) email and phone number)
  3. Abstract (Maximum 150 words)
  4. Keywords (Maximum five words)
  5. Introduction – including motivation, aims and overview
  6. Main body – explanation of methods, data used instrumentation, results and discussion etc.
  7. Conclusions
  8. Acknowledgement (If any)
  9. References
  10. Certified details of plagiarism

NB: Please submit the manuscript in word file

The text should be spaced 1.5 with 1 pt margins on all sides. Use single column layout with both left and right margin justified. The font should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt (main body). Titles should be in upper case letters, 14 point, bold and justified. The tables and figures mentioned in the text should appear near/after where they are referred in the text. Table/ Figures should be serially numbered and titled. Sources must be indicated at the bottom of every such table/figure. The article content should not exceed 5000 words.

References: References should be given at the end of the paper and the entries should be arranged alphabetically. The reference citation for any article follows APA’s standard reference style (for social sciences) or CSE’s Manual of Scientific style and format (for natural and physical sciences). Refer or the style and formats.

Review Process: The research papers will be subjected to a peer review process by a panel of experts in the respective subject areas. This process may take 10-20 days and the communication regarding acceptance will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author

Plagiarism: The manuscript should Checked for plagiarism. The papers should be submitted to plagiarism detection authorities. Paper with more than 30% of the content of another individual’s material should be treated as plagiarism.