‘Coronam!’-thus was the online event named amidst the pandemic situation caused by the ‘Virus’. Though not a novel concept in this period of unrest, Coronam was indeed a relaxing treat to the entire staff and their families.
The programme was hosted by the Department of English on 29th August, 2020 from 3 pm to 5:30 pm. Though a program intended for whole- hearted entertainment, a variety of competitions enriched the program’s attraction. Song and dance competitions occupying the larger part, the celebration mood was boosted by other programmes like poetry, display of kids’ paintings and messages of nostalgic reverberance from the children of our beloved teachers.
The entire programme was an audio- visual pageant of various entertainments, with staff and their families from all departments participating in the event. The celebrations wound up with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. P.J Sajin, Head of the Department of English. Words of love and greetings were shared post the event, from various departments of the college, thus bringing ‘Coronam’ to a fulfilling climax.
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