The Department of B.Com Computer Application conducted inauguration of Commerce Association on 01/09/2016. The programme was inaugurated by the famous corporate trainer Mr Alen.T. Lukkose. The ceremony was started with the blessings of Almighty, with a prayer song by first B.Com students Miss. Shanmughapriya and Miss Agina Varghese. The welcome speech was given by the department head Prof. Gregory John and the presidential address given by vice principal Prof Sasidharan, and salutation was given by Principal Prof. Dr Anita Nair and the vote of thanks given by students council head Mr.AkhilNazim. After that, there was a power-point presentation by Mr. Alan Lukkose, the corporate trainer, on the topic “ENTREPRENEUR START UP PROCESS”. He stated that an entrepreneur is an independent person who starts an enterprise and bears all the risks involved in tit and the monetary benefit of the entrepreneur is the profit earned by the business. So he innovated the students how to become an entrepreneur. All the students were actively participated in the programmes. Vote of thanks given by II year Computer Application Student. Miss. FathimaShifa.
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