World Entrepreneurs’ Day is usually celebrated on August 21, 2022 which underline the entrepreneurial Skills and Employability Skills of our younger generation. It enhances economic growth through problem-solving in business and instil leadership quality for all.
Due to University examination this year we preponed the celebration to 29/07/2022.We celebrated the occasion with an apt person who could motivate and lead our students to a great leap in entrepreneurial achievements. We honoured our student entrepreneur Muhammed Riyas, a final year UG of BCA in our college .He has taken am MSME registration for Micro Red Solutions for Computer Programming ,Consultancy and related activities and web page designing for clients. They are all done with the support of our institution last year. He does peer supports and mentoring.
He shared his experiences in the field, the obstacles and challenges he faced and the risks he had undertaken and is still undertaking to create and continue the projects. The chat was conducted in IIC Lab from 10.00 am to 12. 00pm.Muhammed Yaseen the student coordinator led the programme with liveness and enthusiastic participation from students.
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