The IIC organised a workshop on “Developing Online Repository of Business Plan on 03/08/2022 at Seminar Hall of our college from 10am to 12.30 p.m. Dr Kala N, President, IIC delivered the Welcome address. Ashina Z ,IIC Convenor introduced the concept .

Ajay Basil Varghese, the technical adviser gave us a detailed guidelines on the need to create and maintain an online repository of business plan and model. The significance of keeping it for future references and research to the emerging innovators is highlighted in his talk. He in fact commenced the session from its scratch. He defined a repository as well as he gave an abstract idea on business Plan. He advocated the need to develop a Business Plan for strengthening the innovation and entrepreneurship. The talk is lively with intermittent discussions. A vote of thanks was delivered by Muhammed Yaseen, Student Coordinator.