Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Al- Ameen College, Edathala has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes of the institution. As part of the process, a topic- centered programme was arranged from 28th November to 29th November, 2019. The resource person of the two day workshop was Dr. M. P. Rajan (Member, Peer Team & Former Academic Consultant, NAAC, Bangalore.)
The programme was organised for two days with four sessions. The first day started with an inaugural function where our Manager, Dr.Junaid Rahman inaugurated the programme and Principal, Prof. M.B. Sasidharan presided over the function. The first technical session was regarding the Teaching – Learning process which covered various factors including ICT enabled learning programmes, Learning Management Systems, Virtual class room etc. The second technical session dealt with the promotion of research culture among teachers as well as students of the institution as a whole.
The second day started at 9.30 am with the third session about criterion wise evaluation of NAAC in which the resource person briefed the seven criteria and its various parameters laid down by NAAC. The last session was an interactive session where the teachers were given an opportunity to raise their queries regarding the criterion and other curricular aspects. The session was very informative and has surely given new insights to the faculties of the institution. Nearly 72 faculties participated in the FDP, which led to the success of the program.
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