In connection with Al-Ameen fest on 8-12-2015, Physics department conducted an exhibition based on the theme International Year of Light. The exhibition focused on the topic of light science and its applications. From sunset to rainbows; from the blues and greens of ocean to the remarkable range of colors of plants and animals, our first experience of light and color are through what we see in the natural world. The exhibition of light opened the wonders of light through simple experiments and shows. The planetarium Aurora was exactly a feast to the eyes for the visitors. It was a dome shaped projection screen onto which scenes of planets, stars and other celestial objects are made to appear. The video show of stars and galaxies in connection with this helped the students to become more aware of the wonders in the sky. The 3-D Holoshow . A show based on the technique Holography opened up wonders of conversion of information storage from 2D to 3D. The laser dance show and the UV art show also were very interesting and were highly appreciated by the viewers.
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