The world is turning digital and soon the paper may become history. It is necessary to preserve our valuable documents from complete destruction. The recent flood has played havoc in our normal life and many people lost their valuable documents. However this could have been avoided if people are aware of DIGILOCKER. It is an app developed by Govt. of India and in this we can upload our valuable documents by turning them into digital form like scanning.
The Computer Science Department of Al-Ameen College took the initiative to give proper awareness among the local community as part of community extension activity during the month of September 2018. The drive was highly successful and many people came forward to protect their documents in Digilocker System. Department invited people from local community to the college and gave them an awareness class. In turn it is expected that they will propagate the same in their areas giving DIGILOCKER a wide publicity. However we could not achieve our target and we propose to continue the effort in future also.
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