Teacher’s day is celebrated in India every year on 5 September to pay tribute to Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishan, former president of the country and visionary teacher. It is also marked as an occasion to honour the efforts and hard work of teachers and their role in the life of students. To appreciate their teachers’ work, the students of the Department of Economics decided to celebrate Teacher’s Day ‘Guru Vandanam’ virtually through Google meet. It was held on 6th September 2020 at 4.30 p.m. The event was meticulously planned by students of our department and programme was hosted by the final year students. Ranjith P R student coordinator extended a warm welcome to the audience. Students shared their school and college memories and talked about teachers who were inspirational to them. In the end, the audience was addressed by Dr.Shaniba MH, Head of Department . She appreciated the efforts done by the students to celebrate Teacher’s Day and make the teachers feel special by showing their respect and love towards their teachers. The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Fathima Nusarath of III BA Economics students followed by the National anthem.
Guru Vandanam -Teachers Day Celebration
By Sangeetha G|2021-11-17T15:28:56+05:30September 6, 2020|Al-Ameen News, Economics - Activity|0 Comments
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